Company List

With over 22+ years of experience in the music, media, tech, hospitality, radio, and education industries, the companies shown below are samples of some of the clients we’ve worked with throughout the years.

“Through adversity, we create.” -Samantha M. Altán

***Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to any of the Cumulus Media produced Lounge Concert videos posted below. Videos are for work reference only.

The following videos below were all recorded at the legendary KFOG recording lounge in San Francisco, CA. Founder Samantha M. Altán worked each of the shows below as either the Live Sound Engineer, Recording Engineer, and/or assisting in both avenues concurrently.

SBPSD 2018 6th Grade Mixer Dance

In 2018 Samantha, a SBPSD Board Member, and then superintendent, collaborated together to curate the first 6th grade mixer event for the graduating 5th grade class. The idea was to gather all five of the districts elementary schools, and bring them together in one room to connect and celebrate with one another as they prepare to enter 6th grade! This event allowed them to start building their new middle school community, while concurrently celebrating their fifth grade promotion together.

El Principio (The Beginning)

Recording sound continues to be the root of peaceYmusic Productions. Whether it’s capturing the sound on a phone of hail falling, to the fall leaves crunching, to recording in a studio with a special iso booth with specific microphones ready to capture that special tone, no sound goes unappreciated. The following SoundCloud tracks are from el principio roots of peaceYmusic Productions.